For this discussion post, we are joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Do you enjoy reading holiday-themed books at the holidays or year-round?
TBH – I don’t enjoy reading Christmas books any time of year. *HIDES* They are just so formulaic and sappy, ya know? I don’t watch Hallmark movies this time of year either though. I’m specifically talking about those formulaic romances, you know the ones.
Now, I don’t mind if the book is set during the holidays but the plot is separate from that and maybe is part of a series. But the holidays can’t be the plot.
Hah! Unlike Julie, I am an avid devotee of the Hallmark movie. But I’m also Christmas movie-ed out at this typing and it’s only the beginning of December. I do not need 10 weeks of Christmas movies! I’m also reading a Christmas themed romance, mainly to cross off some bingo squares. Otherwise, I’d probably say holiday themed books aren’t my thing, either. I also don’t care if a book is set around holidays, as long as the story warrants it.
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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I definitely don’t seek out holiday-themed books, but I’m not necessarily opposed to them. The ones I’ve read, I’ve enjoyed. If I were going to read one, though, it would probably be during the holiday season.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…2024 End of Year Book Survey (& Year in Graphs!)
Julie, I could not agree more! They just do not do it for me, no matter how many times I have tried! The only way I want to read about Christmas is if it’s the setting of an active apocalypse or something heh.
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Oh Julie! I’m with Lynn. Give me formulaic holiday-based romances this time of year. If we are talking movies, however, the acting needs to be decent or I turn it off pretty quickly. Netflix usually has some good ones. Love Hard is one of my favorites.
Fun to see your answers. I don’t really watch Hallmark-style Christmas movies, but I like the ‘classic’ Christmas ones with some romance, but I do read fluffy, sugary Christmas romances- or at least a couple each year.