We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
Wowza. There is so much going on with this cover. Too much, methinks.
It looks like a red crayon threw up on this cover. What am I looking at? There’s a blonde chick, wearing a sleazy red dress and candy cane stockings. And she’s being held up by… a clawed hand? But the art looks weird so her butt is kind of blended with the finger. I mean, not in a dirty way, like in a not good editing skills kind of way.
Then there’s the mirror covered in a garland and bows. Then we have ribbons all around that look like color guard wanted to be part of the story. But it’s again terribly unblended into the image.
Then to add more.. depth? we have some lanterns, and mistletoe? Some presents in the way background with terrible wallpaper behind the mirror? Just too dang much going on.
I do like the title font and author font. It just by then was a no thank you for me.
Busy is an understatement with this cover for sure!
It’s the candy cane striped stockings and the garland/whip/restraints that takes the cover 12 steps too far. Plus, I feel like the woman’s legs are WAY TOO LONG for normal legs. Her shins are twice plus the length of her thighs. How is that anatomically correct!
I like the bower and the background. It’s that way too busy foreground that distracts.
Overall, not a book cover that’s working for me!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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