For this discussion post, we are joining the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee-Addicted Writer.
This week’s prompt: Have you participated in Sheila’s FIRST BOOK OF THE YEAR? ( (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver’s Review)
We didn’t. In fact, I just learned about it from this prompt! So, it’s too late to join. I’m turning this prompt into – let’s chat about how we pick our first read of the year, or do we?
This is such an interesting idea – being highly selective of the very first book you start in the new year. I’ve never thought about that. Usually, pretty much each year, I travel around the end of the year to visit family. Mostly, that time of year is going to my parent’s house and flying back to wherever home is, in the days right after New Year’s.
So, I will pick a book that would be good to read on the plane. That’s the extent of my analysis. Whatever book I read on the plane will end up being my first book of the year. I won’t pick an audiobook here because it’s too noisy and brain-foggy for a listen. So, it has to be an ebook or physical book.
I don’t accept any review copies that time of year, for obvious reasons, so this first book gets to be a personal choice. Sometimes, I choose from my backlog of reviews promised with no timeline. Sometimes, I will choose a book club’s upcoming book. But sometimes, my mood gets to pick. I love it when my mood gets to pick. I usually end up enjoying that read a lot.
I don’t pick a book based on the new year. Generally speaking, whatever I feel like reading or listening to next! Or whatever pops up next in my library on holds. Or the opposite genre of whatever I just finished. Or for this year, the last few books I read in 2024 were meh, so I picked a book in a series I knew I’d enjoy.
What can I say? I really don’t plan out what books I’m reading!
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2025 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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I’ve taken part a few times in the First Book of the Year event and thought it was fun. I think my favorite part is hearing why people chose a particular book to be their first book whether it’s a book they painstakingly chose or a book that is due back the soonest at the library. Whatever the reason, however spontaneous or planned. Being part of the collage of people with their first books is also pretty cool.
I didn’t take part this year. It slipped my mind. It turned out my first read this year wasn’t even really a book I was considering reading anytime soon–it was a spur of the moment pick. It wasn’t even the first book I started in the new year or the one I carried over. It was just the first book I finished. That happens to me a lot. LOL
I hope you have a great weekend!
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