We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
Oomph the floating head!
I really struggle with whoever thinks the floating head is a good idea. This random head does not belong blended out of the ocean, unless she is a mermaid.
It reminds me of the cliche photoshop blends we made in the early ’00s.
The ocean and sunset is a muted background, while the floating head is vivid, classy. These two do not go together.
The font, is alright. I like the “Love” in the curly font but I think “Watercolors” should have been in the same font as “of Unsung”. A bit more contrast, perhaps a font border, would have helped here.
This being book 6 made me curious to look at the past book covers and I wish I had not. Anyway I will pass on this whole series.
The cover and title doesn’t match the write up which is about an old murder? Also a romance, which that checks out.
Clearly, we are here to judge book covers. And I feel bad about that sometimes. Someone (the author? the publisher?) thought these were some good choices. But us? Not so much.
It’s the random floating head that distracts here. It looks like it was cut and pasted onto the background. I would have been ok with just the background as the cover. It is more evocative of a watercolor than a woman’s head. I like a good sunset (or maybe sunrise) on a cover.
The title is irritating me as well. Pick black or white. Not both. Pick script or printing. Not both.
Obviously a romance. And certainly not one I’d read based on the cover.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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