We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
First impression of the cover – is it a love story, or a love murder? I do like the splatter, I mean it catches your eye for sure. Makes me curious like what kind of love story is bloody.
I like the author name font, blocky font with a slight flair always gets my vote.
I am unsure about the cursive title font. The main title is easy enough to read but the smaller text is not, right over the heart. Perhaps if it was a blocky font to separate it from the cursive main title it would look better. And maybe slightly moved up so it would be over the white space.
But I was curious and I read the blurb. It sounds interesting – if a serial killer had a son who believed he also would be evil one day and should remain unloved, fell in love. Put this in the maybe pile.
First impressions – I kind of like this cover. But then, looking more closely and reading the synopsis, I’m not as sure. Blood splatter heart is not exactly romantic! And maybe it would help if it was just the heart shape, and not the full background of the book? It would at least be less bloody looking.
The font for the author’s name works here – gives that typewriter\newspaper headline vibe. I agree on the cursive title font. That could have easily been the same font as the author’s name.
A simple cover to be sure. And certainly grabs the eye. I’m just not into serial killer books. Even if it is a romance.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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It definitely is one that makes you wonder what type of story is it! And it seems a little too much of the red splatter, almost makes some of it hard to read? Fun post!
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