We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
LMAO at the sea creature. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a creature with very flat fins, or a submersible that is supposed to mimic a fish. Is this a sci-fi?
I really like the color and font of the word EARTH. The other font choices are fine too.
The ocean floor background with coral is not that interesting visually but is dark and kinda ominous. It looks like someone’s underwater camera took a picture and was used to edit the cover.
The circles that look maybe like a scope? Not sure what that’s about.
The cover gives me very little to go by on what the book might actually be about. Reading the blurb, it’s a political thriller and sci-fi. But it doesn’t make me interested in reading it.
Well, I found the blurb to be underwhelming. But the cover very interesting. Let’s just imagine a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea vibe instead of a weird ecological disaster book.
I think the sub\fish is super cool looking. I imagine it’s flexible like a fish. But still protective metal skin like a sub.
I like how the title looks like grass (i.e. earth) actually drowning. Or at least under the water.
I do agree that the background looks like someone’s underwater photo. But that’s not necessarily bad. It’s also not very exciting.
Overall, I think the cover is alluring. But I have little interest in the actual book.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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