Category: Chat Between Chapters

Chat Between Chapters: Stand Alones, Trilogies, Series, Companion Books: What is your preference?

 Do you prefer reading stand alone books or books in a series? If you like series, do you have a preference in the number of books in a given series? Do you prefer new main characters in each book of a series or a continuation/progression of storyline in a series?  Julie: Honestly I’m not a huge […]


Chat Between Chapters: Book Boyfriends: Good for readers or setup unrealistic expectations?

 What are book boyfriends and how do they impact a reader’s real life? Do you feel like real guys can compete with guys in books?  Julie: Book boyfriends are that, fantasy make-believe wonderful men/boys that we wish were ours. I think that while authors may base their male character traits on people they actually know, […]


Chat Between Chapters: Do You Listen to Author’s Playlists?

 Do you like when author’s list their musical muses? Do you listen to author’s playlists?  Rose: I first realized that authors sometimes had playlists for the books they had written when I visited Stephenie Meyer’s website a number of years back. She included an entire playlist of the songs she had listened to while writing. I […]
