Category: On Writing

The 5 Major Benefits of Traditional Publishing Over Self-Publishing

With the increasing popularity of self-publishing, many authors choose to forego traditional publishers and run the gamut themselves. Self-publishing gives them ownership of the whole process — from draft to print — and more control over their royalties and earnings. However,  traditional publishing is still the beating heart of today’s book market, and choosing to […]

Posted April 10, 2023 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests, On Writing / 0 Comments
Guest Post: What does a publisher look for in a manuscript?

Guest Post: What does a publisher look for in a manuscript?

In so many industries, there are those willing to prey on the unwary, the companies that offer wanna be actors headshots for thousands of pounds (or dollars), the online colleges offering high priced courses that lead to no recognized qualifications, the publishing companies that ask for ridiculous amounts of money to publish your book. All […]

Posted February 19, 2021 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests, On Writing / 0 Comments