City of Glass Review

City of Glass Review

Our book club has decided to read the entire Mortal Instruments series, one each month, leading up to the movie coming out in August. We started reading this series in March 2013. Feel free to read along with us! We’d love to hear your thoughts on this series.        Rose’s Review         This […]

Posted May 24, 2013 by Julie S. in Reviews / 2 Comments
Bruiser Review

Bruiser Review

     Rose’s Review          I think Bruiser is one of those books that I could read again and again and always find something new. There are a lot of “big ideas” to ponder in this book. At the same time, it was entertaining to listen to as well (I “read” the audio version.) This book […]

Posted May 22, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 1 Comment
Dragonfly In Amber Review

Dragonfly In Amber Review

My book club has decided to read the entire Outlander Series. We started reading this series in February 2013. Feel free to read along with us!  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this series.      Rose’s Review         I find military history fascinating and I am sure that fact alone predisposed me to love this book […]

Posted May 21, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 3 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish Favorite Book Covers of Books I’ve Read:    Rose’s Top Ten (in no particular order)           1. Hush, Hush 2. Shiver 3. The Bronze Horseman 4. Rules of Attraction 5. Easy 6. Graceling 7. Divergent 8. Outlander 9. Walking Disaster 10. […]

Posted May 21, 2013 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 8 Comments
Screwed Review

Screwed Review

     Rose’s Review      I was super excited to begin reading Screwed simply based off its description.  I thought this book might offer something unique or new.  The premise for the story sounded interesting indeed.  In fact, I upgraded this book’s review from one star to two simply because the book seemed to […]

Posted May 17, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 0 Comments
The Adoration of Emma Wylde by Kimberly Russell Guest Post, Review and Giveaway

The Adoration of Emma Wylde by Kimberly Russell Guest Post, Review and Giveaway

     Julie’s Review      Emma Wylde is a spoiled brat of a girl, mainly due to the fact that she’s a pop superstar. Everyone does whatever she says, and she comes across as pretty bitchy most of the time. She goes out and parties too much, gets herself drunk (and she’s underage) and then is surprised […]

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Review

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Review

     Rose’s Review        I really really liked this story. I usually prefer stories that are contemporary, set in present day and real time. I am honestly not one for high fantasy. However, this book was amazing. I loved how unique it felt. I have truly never read another book like it. The book is […]

Posted May 12, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 2 Comments
Pushing the Limits Review

Pushing the Limits Review

     Rose’s Review        This was my second time listening to this book. (I have never actually read this book, like in print. The first time, I rated it a 4. This time I struggled between 4 and 5 stars, deciding that a solid 4.5 stars is more the case and rounded up.) Told from […]

Posted May 11, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 1 Comment
The Edge of Never Review

The Edge of Never Review

     Rose’s Review  I decided to read this book when I discovered it was newly available on and it had been recommended by so many book blogs as having the same feeling as that of The Sea of Tranquility and Hopeless. Perhaps, due to that rating, I did not like this book as […]

Posted May 11, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 0 Comments