Narrator: Gabriel Vaughan, Piper Goodeve
Series: Falling #1
Published by Self-published on March 14, 2013
Length: 9 hrs and 17 mins
Genres: New Adult
Format: Audiobook

I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first. Kyle was my first one true love, my first in every way.
Then, one stormy August night, he died, and the person I was died with him.Colton didn't teach me how to live. He didn't heal the pain. He didn't make it okay. He taught me how to hurt, how to not be okay, and, eventually, how to let go.
Rose’s Review
Where to begin? Okay, this was sort of a difficult book for me to rate. I liked a lot of aspects of the book and enjoyed listening to it (I “read” the audio version). I would say it is more a 3.5 star book than just 3 stars. The story is told from Nell’s POV at first and does not change to Colton’s POV until almost a quarter of the way into the book. The first quarter of the book deals with Nell and Kyle’s love story. At first I was a little put off by how much the author insisted I sit through the love story of Nell and Kyle. I mean, what is the point right? Kyle is just going to die, why should I invest time as a reader to getting to know him. The fact that Ms. Wilder did not just start the book with Kyle’s death actually made the book waaaaay better. I fell in love with the golden boy younger brother to Colton. In fact, in the beginning, Colton isn’t even IN the book. I actually forgot Kyle was going to die and was devestated when he did. Most books that deal with recovering from the death of a loved one begin the book with that person’s death or shortly after that person’s death. This book made me experience the loss of Kyle. I felt Nell’s pain. And of course, this made Nell a more accessable protagonist for me emotionally and I liked her, too. I greived with her at Kyle’s funeral. Enter Colton. He is Kyle’s older brother, but he is NOTHING like him. Nell had never even met him before and they share a brief connection before the story jumps forward 2 years in time. I am not going to spell out to you what happens next. Read the book! if you want to know. I was surprised at the author’s ability to have me love Kyle and Nell together and also want Nell to hook up with Colton.
So, okay, things I didn’t like about the book: Colton.
Wait! Let me explain! Colton had too much to his story. How is that possible? What I mean to say is that too much had happened to Colton to make his story plausible to me. I had a difficult time imagining him gaining “street cred” with this tough gang when he came from such an affluent priveleged family. I understood that he left and had his “issues” with his family, but I just did not find the gang affiliation believeable. I thought he was a little to unbelieable at times… I mean he is a mean street fighting gang member and also a sensitive boy that plays his guitar and writes emotional love songs. It just didn’t fit for me.
Things I liked about this book: Colton.
I did like the Colton was tough and smart and sensitive. Even with his “disability” (or possibly because of it) he never gave up. I liked his determination. I liked his earnest desire to please Nell and yet not bullshit her at the same time. He does not try to rescue her or fix her. He just wants to be with her. Okay, so another thing I really liked about this book was the steamy scene. They were HOTT!!!! I have never really understood the whole dominate male things and frankly, I get annoyed by it. However, the chemistry is so undeniably strong between these two characters. Colton slowly reveals a more alpha side and I LIKED IT! I liked that it was not all at once. Some sex scenes in books seem to be completely disconnected from the rest of the book and seem to be gratuitiously placed at random throughout the story. Not the case here! I liked the scenes between Kyle and Nell and all the awkwardness of first times and the tenderness of first love. I loved the scenes with Colton and Nell. Because I was exposed to Nell’s innocense in the beginning, I found her transformation to “shameless slut beast” believable. The author does an amazing job of utilizing the physical scene between Nell and Colton deepen their connection and understanding of each other.
Teeny Tiny Disclaimer: If you listen to the audio version, be prepared for the narrator reading Colton to get, uh, REALLY into his reading….. sorta creeped me out…. listened on anyways.
Some fave quotes:
“I wasn’t always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first.”
“I can’t fix her. I know this too. I’m not going to try. I’ve had too many goody-goody girls hook up with me, thinking they can fix me. I also know I’m not going to stay away.”
“I hold her. I don’t tell her it’s okay.
“Be mad,” I say. “Be hurt. Be broken. Cry.”
“Oh god…” I whimper.
“I haven’t done anything yet baby,” Colton growls.
“I know,” I pant. “I was just saying your name.”
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ok – so I’m not finished yet, but Rose, I totally agree with you about Colton. The tough gang bit is a bit unbelievable. And because the extra steamy love scenes.