Narrator: Davina Porter
Published by Delacorte Press on November 6, 2001
Length: 55 hrs 34 min
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Audiobook

The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser’s wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy—a time-traveler’s certain knowledge. Claire’s unique view of the future has brought him both danger and deliverance in the past; her knowledge of the oncoming revolution is a flickering torch that may light his way through the perilous years ahead—or ignite a conflagration that will leave their lives in ashes.
Rose’s Review:
So hopefully this is the last time I have to blame my pos Samsung Galaxy S4 for being the absolutely worst phone on the face of the planet!!!! I mean, in a review at least….for a while… But yes, sadly, I made several notes for my review and after listening for 55 plus hours, I’ve lost every last audible bookmark/note. It is common knowledge that SD cards can and do corrupt, but the Samsung Galaxy S4 has an insatiable taste for SD cards, 8gigs, 16 gigs, 32 gigs… it can never get enough. BUYER BEWARE!!!
Okay, so this book is ridiculously long. It is well researched to the point of being tedious, but I love this series so much I don’t care how tedious it gets. I do miss the intense relationship between Jamie and Claire. Jamie and Claire are basically in a holding pattern for the majority of this book. They are cursed with the burden of knowing the future and because of this, they are constantly on the lookout for signs that the American Revolution is beginning. I, too, was waiting. Waiting for the good parts. Are there good parts? It’s Diana Gabaldon, so heck yes there are! Does it balance out the book and make up for the tedious (I refuse to call it “boring”) parts? For the average reader, probably not. For the dedicated Outlander fans, I’d say yes. In this book, we get to know Roger even better. The more times I read this series, the more I like Roger. Brianna, on the other hand is always a little hard for me to connect with. I read a comment from a reader online that described Brianna as a girl torn between 2 worlds and 2 fathers. Sometime I think she is even torn between the two men in her life, little Jemmy and Roger. This made me sort of understand Brianna a little better. But mainly, to me, this book is about Roger. Roger, who has risked everything to come to this world and be with Brianna, suffers even greater treachery in this installment. I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, but all I can say is Roger’s own greatest skill, the one Jamie Fraser does not really know how to value, music, is brutally ripped from his life. I feel for Roger so much in this book. This is actually as far as I have read in the series. I am anxious to know how much more Diana Gabaldon will subject poor wee Roger Mac to. As for Jamie and Claire’s story, I really felt like they were on the backburner for most of this book. I’ve heard tell that book #6 focuses back to their story and I so hope that’s true. Also, give me more of young Ian!
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Back when this book came out, I eagerly bought it and delved in, but it had been several years since I had read the other books in this series, and I actually put down after about 70-80 pages. I would see it lying in my TBR pile, and think I should really give it another go, but I never did until I read In MY OWN Heart’s Blood and decided to read the entire series over. I am presently on chapter 21 and loving it. I think by listening to the audio as I read is making it so much better this time. Also, I remember the other books because I have just read them. I’m so glad I decided to go on this new adventure with Diana Gabaldon. It is well worth the time spent reading these fantastic books!
Happy to have found your blog. I’m always looking for a good book to read. I’ve read all the books in this series except for this one and I enjoyed reading your review of it. #SITSBlogging
I almost re-read this one this year, then didn’t, mostly because of time, but also because I didn’t think I could bear to read the Roger parts again. Heartbreaking! I’m glad to hear you love the series too! And hurray for young Ian — he’s quickly become one of my favorites. I love this series so much! But it gets harder and harder to stand when bad things happen to the characters I love — they feel like family by now!
I know what you mean, Lisa! These characters ARE family. How far have you read in the series? I am getting ready to read A Breath of Snow and Ashes soon. The Fiery Cross is as far as I have read.
Such a massive book, I know! I totally agree with everything you’ve said, especially missing the intense relationship between Jamie and Claire. For me, every book after Voyager is a bit like this; but I adore Roger, and yes, this is ‘his’ book. As for Bree? I’m with you on that, too. She’s kind of an odd character, you like her but you never ‘love’ her. I don’t know. I put up my Outlander review earlier in the week!
Samantha recently posted…Of All Time: Outlander
Samantha, I agree about the books after Voyager being different from the first three. The first two books will always be my favorite. To me, they almost read like one big first book. I like in your Outlander review how you said Jamie and Claire save each other. One of my favorite scenes of this series is when Jamie appears in the Black Jack Randall’s window and tells BJR” I thank ye to take your hands off my wife!” Chills! and at the end of that scene when Jamie explains to Claire that when he heard her scream he came for her, with nothing but an empty pistol and his two hands… sigh. Love. This. Series.