The Arrivals Review

Posted December 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Arrivals ReviewThe Arrivals by Melissa Marr
Narrator: Matt Burns
Published by William Morrow on July 2nd 2013
Length: 9 hrs and 5 mins
Genres: Paranormal, Science Fiction
Format: Audiobook

Chloe walks into a bar and blows five years of sobriety. When she wakes, she finds herself in an unfamiliar world, The Wasteland. She discovers people from all times and places have also arrived there: Kitty and Jack, a brother and sister from the Wild West; Edgar, a prohibition bootlegger; Francis, a one-time hippie; Melody, a mentally unbalanced 1950s housewife; and Hector, a former carnival artist.

None know why they arrived there--or if there is way out of a world populated by monsters and filled with corruption.

Just as she did in Graveminder, Marr has created a vivid fantasy world that will enthrall. Melissa Marr's The Arrivals is a thoroughly original and wildly imagined tale about making choices in a life where death is unpredictable and often temporary.

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

The premise was interesting, but the story itself was mostly dull. I really didn’t connect with or care for the characters by the time happy(ish) ending rolled around I was thinking “meh”. There wasn’t much of an explanation or back-story (except a little from the big bad at the end), but I guess since the characters just wake up in this world, they don’t really know what’s up either. I did like the concept though, with people who arrived in the wasteland coming from various years in our world and the only thing they all had in common is that they killed someone. That’s kind of cool. But, I can’t say the plot was very complicated or the characters were very developed.

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Posted December 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Reviews / 0 Comments
