That’s what HE said Thursday- June 5, 2014

Posted June 5, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 8 Comments


Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday.For more info on what this meme is all about click here.


Julie Review AvatarJulie’s Quote:


You’ve done nothing but keep your distance since I saved your life. It makes me wonder if it would have been easier to get you to fall in love with me without all that hanging over us.
I love you. I think I’ve been in love with you since the first grade.

Evan to Cassie

(Secrets and Lies by: Christine Amdsden)

I was a big fan of Evan in the first book but this one was a little bit harder due to Cassie’s life debt. I wasn’t sure if Evan was going to force her or not, but his feelings are true and he really is a good guy.



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Posted June 5, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, ThatsWhatHeSaid / 8 Comments


8 responses to “That’s what HE said Thursday- June 5, 2014

    • Julie

      Yea, its like how do you know if you’re feelings are your own, or controlled by someone else? Interesting concept.

    • Julie

      Ooh how exciting! Totally understand. We can place your banner up whenever you’re ready 🙂 I’ll even extend the time as a congrats 🙂

    • Julie

      I linked to my review posted last week if you want to learn more about the book. I’m becoming a fan of that series for sure. It isn’t all that well known, but it is well written and a really good UF/PNR.