Skinwalker Review

Posted April 6, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 14 Comments

Skinwalker ReviewSkinwalker by Faith Hunter
Narrator: Khristine Hvam
Published by Penguin on July 7th 2009
Length: 14 hrs and 34 mins
Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 336
Format: Audiobook

Jane Yellowrock is the last of her kind-a skinwalker of Cherokee descent who can turn into any creature she desires and hunts vampires for a living. But now she's been hired by Katherine Fontaneau, one of the oldest vampires in New Orleans and the madam of Katie's Ladies, to hunt a powerful rogue vampire who's killing other vamps...

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

I read the crossover novel Easy Pickings a while back for one of my book clubs and was really intrigued by this Jane Yellowrock character. I knew I needed to meet her eventually so I finally got my ears on this audiobook. I thoroughly enjoyed Jane and all her amazing abilities. Beast is my favorite thing, seriously, but I also thought it was awesome how Jane is able to shift into other animal shapes as well. I liked how Jane didn’t really remember how she and Beast became one, but over the course of the book the memories returned to her.

Jane is a kick-ass Vampire hunter, the best of the best, and so the story starts with her newest gig in New Orleans. She’s hunting a rogue, but things aren’t always as they seem in Urban Fantasy. So I knew this rogue was going to be something extra and therefore not easy to catch, even if Beast is an excellent hunter/predator/kitty cat that prowls the night in search of play things and evil. Seriously, love Beast. Also, did I previously mention I enjoy big cat shifter stories? Cause seriously if I was a shifter I’d be a panther.

I think the only complaint is the way the story was told: lots of flashbacks and random detours from the main mission during Jane’s self-discovery, and a lot of hunting various other things. Maybe it is a first novel in a series type issue I have, but the plot itself wasn’t as satisfying as I was hoping.

The narration was  great though, but I’ve enjoyed her before.

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Posted April 6, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 14 Comments


14 responses to “Skinwalker Review

    • Julie

      It’s bad when you don’t remember enough about the book, right? Too many books, not enough memory for them all.

  1. I read this a while back and I’m pretty sure I rated it either 3 or 3.5 stars. I like Jane and I love the beast too – but I think I had trouble following the story. If I remember, all those flashbacks you talked about were hard to keep up with because I wasn’t giving the book my undivided attention like I felt I needed to.
    Berls recently posted…“The Reckoning” S1:E9 | Outlander Thoughts

    • Julie

      BEAST was so awesome, and yes glad I’m not the only one who had trouble following the story with all the changes and flashbacks. It just isn’t enjoyable when you can’t give it your undivided attention, and let’s be honest, who can nowadays?

  2. I totally agree with your review — love Jane and Beast and everything about her/them. I struggled with the flashback stuff and the plot didn’t keep me 100% engaged. That improved a bit in the second one, though I still struggled to keep as engaged as I probably should have been. Haven’t read the 3rd one, so don’t know if it improves from there 🙂
    Liza Barrett recently posted…A Letter to Alyssa: It’s All Going to be Okay **SPOILERS**

    • Julie

      Hmm so what you’re saying is I probably don’t need to put book 2 on my read ASAP list huh?

  3. Beast and kitty cat in the same sentence made me smile. 🙂 I’m glad you liked this for the most part. I’ve had Skinwalker on my nook almost as long as I’ve had a nook. I one-clicked it because it was a freebie. I’m more eager to get to it after reading your review. I’d like to meet this Beast you’re so fond of. 😉

    Have you read Rachel Vincent’s Shifters series? I ask because it’s about ‘panther’ shifters and it’s set in Texas. I thought it was a great series. 🙂
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…New Release Blitz & Giveaway ~ Tempest Raging ~ Michelle Mankin

    • Julie

      Boo! I’m replying on mobile right now, so I don’t know why it blocks you. We’re using a mobile friendly premium WP theme, too. Are you on an i-device? Rose has had trouble commenting on Blogger sites on her iPad.

  4. You’d be a panther, seriously? World, hear her roar 🙂 Another lovely review, thank you. I might pick up this one, since it’s the first in a series and for once I’m not behind everyone else…
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    • Julie

      I don’t know how many books are already out in this series, it is an established one. I’m just late to the party as usual 😉