Death, and the Girl He Loves Review

Posted June 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 5 Comments

Death, and the Girl He Loves ReviewDeath and the Girl He Loves by Darynda Jones
Narrator: Lorelei King
Series: Darklight #2
Published by Macmillan on October 8th 2013
Length: 7 hrs and 48 mins
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Young Adult
Pages: 272
Format: Audiobook

From Darynda Jones, the New York Times bestselling author of Death and the Girl Next Door and Death, Doom & Detention, comes Death and the Girl He Loves, the exciting third book in her new young adult series DarklightThe fate of the world is not something a girl wants on her shoulders, and that is especially true for Lorelei McAlister. Unfortunately for her, that is exactly where the world's fate has decided to take up residence. Lorelei has seen firsthand the horrors that lie beneath our everyday world. And those horrors are getting her friends killed. Because of this, she agrees to leave the sanctity of her hometown and is sent to a different world entirely. A boarding school. But even here she is being watched. Someone knows what she is. What she carries inside her soul. And on top of that she's seeing visions. This is nothing new for Lorelei. But these visions are something more: death, destruction, and the end of the world. Lorelei must face the fact that there are people who want her dead, and no matter where she goes, no matter how far she runs, the lives of her friends and family are in mortal peril. Lucky for her, her friends and family include the handsome Angel of Death, a fiercely protective half-angel, and a ragtag group of loyal supporters who aren't afraid to get a little dirty in the name of fighting pure evil.

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

The final book in this trilogy has our heroine, the super powerful prophetess, having to save the world and stop the war in its tracks. Unfortunately, she has no freakin’ clue how to do that. So she spends most of the book not knowing what to do and feeling all sorry for herself because she is failing everyone. GAH I’m not a fan of that – put on your big girl panties and do something! Her friends though are awesome – I do like a good Scooby Gang. Thanks to the resourcefulness and pushing of her friends, friends willing to risk their lives to a horrible death let me add, Lorelai manages to accidentally save the world. Seriously, it felt accidental, because she didn’t even know what she was going to do or what she was doing at that very moment, but somehow her friends knew how to make her act to fullfill the prophecy. Not really respecting the powerful heroine here. But, the way she ended the war was quite awesome and the book really took a good turn for me after that.  Trying not to be spoilery here, but she ended up changing the way all events unfolded, and for a while I was a bit confused about what was going on. When the twist there became clear, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed at the uniqueness of the story. I also really liked how the whole I’m-in-love-with-the-Angel-of-Death-so-how-can-we-be-together-forever thing played out. Overall, it was a decent series ender, but more so-so like the first book, and a lot less awesome that the second book in this series. I was really hoping the final book was going to be more like book 2, but I guess we have the opposite of second book syndrome in this case.

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Posted June 29, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Death, and the Girl He Loves Review

    • Julie

      Ha, I like the way you look at that – the secondary characters saved the reading experience. 🙂

  1. I seem to be the only one in the world who hasn’t read Drynda Jones yet. High time for me to give her a try, I think… Opinions about her YA stuff seem contradictory. Many people seem to think her adult stuff is way better, so I guess the question is, where do I begin? LOL 🙂
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