Eighth Grave After Dark Review

Posted December 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 3 Comments

Eighth Grave After Dark ReviewEighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones
Narrator: Lorelei King
Series: Charley Davidson #8
Published by St. Martin's Press on May 19th 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Private Investigators, Women Sleuths
Pages: 352
Format: Audiobook

With twelve hellhounds after her, pregnant Charley Davidson takes refuge at the only place she thinks they can't get to her: the grounds of an abandoned convent. But after months of being cooped up there, Charley is ready to pop. Both metaphorically and literally since she is now roughly the size of a beached whale. Fortunately, a new case has captured her attention, one that involves a murder on the very grounds the team has taken shelter upon. A decades-old murder of the newly-vowed nun she keeps seeing in the shadows is almost enough to pull her out of her doldrums. Charley's been forbidden to step foot off the sacred grounds. While the angry hellhounds can't traverse the consecrated soil, they can lurk just beyond its borders. They have the entire team on edge, especially Reyes. And if Charley didn't know better, she would swear Reyes is getting sick. He grows hotter with every moment that passes, his heat scorching across her skin every time he's near, but naturally he swears he's fine. While the team searches for clues on the Twelve, Charley just wants answers and is powerless to get them. But the mass of friends they've accrued helps. They convince her even more that everyone in her recent life has somehow been drawn to her, as though they were a part of a bigger picture all along. But the good feelings don't last for long because Charley is about to get the surprise of her crazy, mixed-up, supernatural life....

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

Ooh what a wild ride Charley’s life is. This 8th installment doesn’t disappoint with all hell breaking lose as it always seems to do with Charley. Let’s list it out shall we?

  • BEEP makes her debut into the world, and since Charley is in hiding from The Twelve, she’s stuck on the convent ground. But the birth goes even deeper into chaos because nothing can be easy for our Charley. As a new mom, I definitely felt for her. I certainly wouldn’t want to give birth in a well!
  • Cookie and Uncle Bob tie the knot! Yes, gotta love when a book starts off with a wedding. But no honeymoon for those two, there’s just too much going on with cases to solve and Charley and Beep to protect.
  • We finally learn what is up with Mr. Wong! What a cool character indeed.
  • Charley’s antics are still funny and crazy at times and she is just as enjoyable a character as ever.
  • Charley confronts Lucifer, and that storyline and all the plans that went into it are fascinating to me. That part is like watching a season of Supernatural – I mean call Sam and Dean – they’ll fix it! (Or make it worse, hard to tell these days.)
  • Charley learns her celestial name, and gets SUPER awesome! I was really enjoying her growing into her powers, but now? Oh what will she become? I can’t wait for more books to find out.
  • Lorelai King – I love her as a narrator.

Darynda Jones stated in an interview that her publisher bought books 9-11, so more Charley is on her way! Now she just has to write them all! I’m super looking forward to the upcoming books because now Charley is more badass than before, with all her celestial glory, and with Lucifer’s minions out to get her and Beep needing to grow up before she can fulfill the prophecy, oh this is going to continue to be a fun ride. I know the next book comes out soonish, and I might have to spend an audible credit on it. I waited for this one at the library and it took a while to be available.

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Posted December 28, 2015 by Julie S. in Reviews / 3 Comments


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