Bookish Chat – Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4)

Posted March 4, 2016 by Lynn in Reviews / 3 Comments

Bookish Chat – Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4)Winter by Marissa Meyer
Narrator: Rebecca Soler
Series: Lunar Chronicles #4
Published by Macmillan on November 10th 2015
Length: 23 hours 30 minutes
Genres: Adaptations, Fairy Tales & Folklore, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 832
Format: Audiobook

The #1 New York Times Bestselling Series! Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana. Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won't approve of her feelings for her childhood friend--the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn't as weak as Levana believes her to be and she's been undermining her stepmother's wishes for years. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even have the power to launch a revolution and win a war that's been raging for far too long. Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter defeat Levana and find their happily ever afters? Fans will not want to miss this thrilling conclusion to Marissa Meyer's national bestselling Lunar Chronicles series.

Julie and I have decided that since loads of other bloggers have posted reviews of Winter, we’d take a different approach. We totally stole Bookworm Brandee’s Blogger Chick Chat idea, and went with a chat instead. Spoilers, obvs. And following our usual pattern, Julie’s chatting is in purple. My chatting is in blue. Excuse the lack of proper punctuation!

Lynnpic ready?

Julie Review Avatar  I finished this morning!

Julie Review Avatar It was awesome!

Lynnpic I finished right before the end of the day. And agree. But I don’t feel all gushy about it.

Julie Review Avatar Not all gushy? I had to listen at 1.5 speed heh. I had to know!!

Julie Review Avatar I wanted Levana to get what is coming to her for so long

Lynnpic Have you watched the Lord of the Rings movies? I felt like the end – after the Levana part – was kind of like Return of the Kings with all of the different endings and happily ever afters. It was a lot of built up tension for everything to work out so well.

Lynnpic Not that I wanted anyone to die. But still. Maybe too happily ever after?

Lynnpic is that a thing?

Julie Review Avatar I have not watched LOTR. Well, the first one only, and I don’t remember a thing.

Julie Review Avatar It was maybe too happy, but it was a fairy tale retelling after all!

Lynnpic ah, well, then, my analogy is lost on you! And you should totally watch them!

Julie Review Avatar I mean, people lost fingers, people got deformed, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

Lynnpic true. It was a fairy tale.

Lynnpic And yes, true, not all sunshine and rainbows.

Lynnpic And Winter is even more whackadoodle than when the book started.

Lynnpic so there was some loss

Julie Review Avatar And honestly, realistic in that when someone so evil has to die, it is all build up and build up and tension and omg what is gonna happen, and then bam, they are dead, and we are all safe now. Kind of hard to get down from that tension high.

Lynnpic I think you are right. It was the crash from the tension high more than anything. Loads of build up. And then the crash

Julie Review Avatar I loved that each book had a new main character introduced, and this one wrapped them all up and all their story lines intertwined.

Lynnpic I loved that, too!

Lynnpic All the couples worked out!

Julie Review Avatar I was all OMG I can’t stop listening, and then the last bit was like well, ok, not as exciting, but happy for everyone who gets to finally relax.

Lynnpic and each story built on the previous, but still introduced us to new characters

Julie Review Avatar I like that in a series, so it has new excitement and not just the same characters doing the same stuff on a different day. This whole series was pretty brilliant.

Lynnpic yes, I’d have to agree on those points

Lynnpic and now I need to track down the last set of short stories so I can find out what’s in the epilogue.

Julie Review Avatar Yea did you hear that interview too?

Julie Review Avatar I like when audiobooks include interviews

Lynnpic but I’m also kind of bummed that the series is over. I’ve really enjoyed them

Lynnpic Yes – I did listen to the interview. It was cool that the narrator was the one conducting the interview.

Julie Review Avatar I’ve heard one like that with Darynda Jones and Lorelai King, loved it too. I think more narrators should interview the authors!

Julie Review Avatar And yes, I’m sad this one is over, but hopefully she’ll come up with more amazing stories for us.

Lynnpic I think so, too. Gives us some insight into what was going on with the narrator. And the author.

Julie Review Avatar And shows that the narrator is a huge fan of the books, it isn’t just another job for them. I love when narrators fangirl over the books.

Lynnpic hmm. Her next series is based on Alice in Wonderland. Which was never a thing I got into.

Julie Review Avatar I have not yet read a good Alice retelling. So the bar is set high for sure.

Lynnpic yes, true

Julie Review Avatar I’m really glad I read Fairest right before this one because having that backstory really helped enjoy this final epicness.

Lynnpic yes. That is totally true. I forgot all about that until the confrontation between Cinder and Levana. Levana almost had me convinced she was justified in everything she did. ALMOST.

Julie Review Avatar I also loved how brave everyone was at the end. How they banded together and had each other’s backs. That was my favorite part.

Lynnpic yes, I agree. Everyone was willing to fight for Cinder. Even Iko and her messed up body tried to save Cinder.

Julie Review Avatar Iko is too awesome! I’m glad she ended up being such an important character, cause I loved her silly antics even from the first book.

Lynnpic yes, me, too! I love when she swoons over all the male characters – Kai, Thorne. Plus, she’s hilarious.

Julie Review Avatar I also love how Cinder doesn’t want the title of Queen, but she knows the right thing to do is come forward and get rid of Levana. She does so much for the good of everyone else. So the opposite of her aunt, and really nothing like her mother either.

Lynnpic very true. I was kind of thinking she’d put Winter on the throne in the end, to be with Kai. But I like the idea of a democracy a lot better. I’m not sure Winter could have handled the throne

Julie Review Avatar I think Winter wouldn’t even want it, even if she wasn’t so delusional.

Lynnpic true.

Lynnpic I don’t think that’s Winter’s thing at all

Julie Review Avatar She’s such a delicate little thing, and is probably better suited as a liaison between the people.

Lynnpic yes. especially given that she refuses to use her gift. And maybe the inhibitor thing will help her.

Julie Review Avatar I want to take some time visiting the artwork people make for this series. I’m having a hard time picturing everyone. Especially Winter since she’s got dark skin and I keep thinking of Snow White.

Lynnpic I was thinking the same thing listening to the interview!

Lynnpic I think that’s one of the things I love about tumbler – all the cool fan art!

Julie Review Avatar I might need to figure out tumblr heh

Julie Review Avatar The interwebz has too much stuff.


Lynnpic truth about the interwebz having too much stuff.

Lynnpic what do you think about Cinder letting Linn Pearl get the royalties from the inhibitor thing?

Lynnpic I don’t think I would have gone for that if I were Cinder.

Lynnpic But I’m probably more petty and vindictive than she is.

Julie Review Avatar I think that is the fair thing to do, since that is legally her property, but dang I would have said I’m Queen, you’re a beotch, I confiscate.

Julie Review Avatar Linn Audrey?

Julie Review Avatar That’s what is awesome about Cinder, she is so honorable.

Lynnpic oh – yeah – Audrey. I would have been like – here’s $1 for your royalties. Now hit the road

Lynnpic True. She is honorable.

Julie Review Avatar I would have been like, your payment is me not charging you with abuse of a princess.

Lynnpic yes. for sure.

Lynnpic especially after she was the one who dismantled Iko in the first place. She sure as heck doesn’t deserve anything good to come to her

Julie Review Avatar Yea she certainly doesn’t deserve to get rich off this. Some people are evil and still get everything.

Lynnpic very true

Julie Review Avatar I loved the little quote things before each part that kind of foreshadowed the section and reminded us of the actual story, too

Lynnpic yes. I know we talked about that earlier – how Winter seems to really follow the actual fairy tale the most out of all of them. The glass coffin. The poison apple. But all with a twist.

Julie Review Avatar Yes, so brilliant

Julie Review Avatar Maybe that’s what made it so enjoyable. Cinder was the same way, not as much, but omg that cyborg foot kept coming up all the time. That scene at the end with the foot!

Lynnpic yes, that damn foot! They should totally bronze that and keep it forever as a new family treasure!

Lynnpic on another note, can I say how sad I was after Wolf’s whole surgery situation? That scene left me a total emotional mess.

Julie Review Avatar Yes! that was so tragic. But, he was still Wolf, even under all that, he still knew his mate and knew the Queen had to go. I loved that he couldn’t be changed.

Lynnpic true – that Scarlet shined through everything else.

Lynnpic And I kind of loved when Scarlet and Winter were recruiting the other wolves. That was pretty darn hilarious.

Lynnpic And Winter howling.

Julie Review Avatar Yes Winter howling, and her silly rhymes.

Julie Review Avatar I just loved how well-developed each character was. So many aspects of interesting tidbits about everyone. That’s good writing.

Lynnpic And Scarlet always being mean to keep Winter in line. Whereas Jacin is always being all smooth and gentle. I kind of think Scarlet’s way is more fun. At least for the reader.

Julie Review Avatar Totally!

Julie Review Avatar They both love her, but show it in different ways

Lynnpic yes

Lynnpic and even when Scarlet was a prisoner, I think she showed how much she cared about Winter

Lynnpic have we run out of stuff to talk about? I have.

Julie Review Avatar I think so. I’m so glad I read this series because it was really unique and fun and stuff. And I think chatting like this was fun too.

Lynnpic I was thinking both of those things today on my drive home. I’ve been enjoying the back and forth chatting about Winter. And Confess.

Lynnpic What are we going to read next!

Julie Review Avatar We should totally keep that up. OMG I Don’t know! Maybe our readers can suggest our next book?

Lynnpic yes – we should totally ask for suggestions! That would be cool!

Lynnpic Unless we want to talk about Vampire Academy more. I only have 2 books left!

Julie Review Avatar I’m cool with a series chat on that!

Lynnpic all right!

That wrapped up our chat. So what did everyone else think of Winter? And of our new chatting reviews? Plus, we’re taking suggestions for our next book to read together. So hit the comments!


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Posted March 4, 2016 by Lynn in Reviews / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Bookish Chat – Winter (Lunar Chronicles #4)

  1. Ahhh, sorry, but I’ve had to skim your lovely back-and-forth a little on account of my stupendous laziness and the fact that I haven’t read Winter yet! It sounds like I’m going to love every word – yippee!!! Have a great weekend, guys 🙂
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