Chat Between Chapters: Worst Mothers in Literature

Posted May 14, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


  It’s Mothers Day, so let’s chat about the WORST mothers we have read about. You know, we can’t always chat about just the positives, right?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

The first book that springs to mind with this topic is the horrendous step-mother in Reason to Breathe. She is abusive and horrible and seriously why doesn’t the girl’s Dad see it?

Publishers Weekly has a list of the 10 worst Mothers in books. A similar good point about the step-mothers in Hansel and Gretel.

Also check out this list from Penguin Random House of 16 worst mothers in books!



Dang! Julie always has the good ideas first. I was going to list Reason to Breathe!

Instead, I’ll go with Bernadette from Where’d You Go, Bernadette. Virtual assistant, running away from her family, all-around not good mother.

I found some Goodreads lists as well!

Worst Mothers Ever

Evil Moms!

Narcissistic Mothers


How about you? Any bad moms stand out to you?



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Posted May 14, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Worst Mothers in Literature

  1. I looked through my Goodreads list to see if I could find a recent read with a bad mom. The one that stuck out to me was Letters to the Lost. The ironic thing is that the book is about how the main character is mourning her mother’s death, but the further you get into the book, the more you realize that she wasn’t a particularly good mother. She was never around and didn’t put her family first in pretty much anything. 🙁
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  2. Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford is the only that comes to mind. I’ve only seen the movie adaptation of the non-fiction memoir of how Joan Crawford raised her adoptive kids.