Book Review – Too Late

Posted October 11, 2017 by Lynn in Reviews / 4 Comments

This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Book Review – Too LateToo Late by Colleen Hoover
Narrator: Emma Hudson, Max Thomas, Ryan Gray
Published by Hoover Ink on November 13, 2016
Length: 13 Hours 3 minutes
Genres: New Adult
Pages: 395
Format: Audiobook

Sloan will go through hell and back for her little brother. And she does, every single night. 

Forced to remain in a relationship with the dangerous and corrupt Asa Jackson, Sloan will do whatever it takes to make sure her brother has what he needs. 

Nothing will get in her way. 

Nothing except Carter. 

Sloan is the only good thing to ever happen to Asa. He knows this and he never plans on letting her go; even if she doesn't approve of his lifestyle. But despite Sloan's disapproval, Asa knows what it takes to get what he wants. He knows what he needs to do to remain on top. 

Nothing will get in his way. 

Nothing except Carter.

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

So, I read this because I won it. I know, I won an audiobook from CoHo herself. Excitement forever. Except. Except this book was horribly disturbing. And not redeeming. And everyone is an asshat or an idjit and needed to be throttled repeatedly.

I love CoHo. This blog was inspired to begin because a few friends read Hopeless and loved it enough to want to blog about books together. So this is not to say the book wasn’t a work of talent, but it is not her caliber of romantic storytelling. This is just a hatred I have for disgusting people who are so despicable that nothing can redeem them and they belong in the deepest level of hell. This is a disappointment I have in characters who just don’t redeem the book and don’t make me feel better after reading it. I don’t feel good at all. I feel dirty. I want to wash myself of this whole experience.

My dislike of this book is also in its formatting. WTF is up with the last quarter? This book is told in 3 POV, so the end? The epilogue? Is 3 part for each person. Then there’s the present day section, which is 2 part for each. Yes, that is a quarter of the book. No, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t make sense. Just continue the damn chapters!

So there you have it. Read at your own risk. Or if you like the disturbing books that are unenjoyable. Or if you like a book full of ALL the triggers. Then read this book.


Lynnpic Lynn’s Review:

I have all the rage after finishing Too Late. All. The. Rage. And I need a serious palate cleansing book, posthaste. That’s not to say it wasn’t well written. I think it was well-written. My visceral gut reaction to this book is evidence of that. We all know that Ms. Hoover doesn’t stray from uncomfortable scenes and situations. But here’s the thing, nothing about this book was comfortable or enjoyable. Not the characters. Not the plot. I honestly am not even sure WHY Ms. Hoover chose to write this book. To torture her readers? Too Late is not what I would categorize as romantic, at all. It’s a “love triangle” in the vaguest sense, with three characters who do not bring out the best in each other. The sex scenes felt voyeuristic and uncomfortable. By the end I was tempted to skip over some of those scenes. I’m especially regretting not skipping over that final scene between Asa and Sloan. 😳 Additionally, at least 25% of the book was epilogues. Yes. Multiple epilogues. When I normally think of an epilogue, it should be a few pages of wrapping up, not 25% of the book. Why not just call those more chapters?

I honestly can’t recommend this book. It made me miserable and caused a lot of stress in my life. If that’s the kind of book you are looking for, go ahead. Otherwise, read a book by Ms. Hoover that’s enjoyable, like Slammed or Hopeless


Too Late
Price: $19.97
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Posted October 11, 2017 by Lynn in Reviews / 4 Comments


4 responses to “Book Review – Too Late

  1. Wowza! So…I’m getting that neither of you liked this book? Haha Just kidding. Hmm. I don’t know that I’ll read this one even if it is a well written one. I’m feeling the rage and disgust and I didn’t even read the synopsis. I’m sorry it was a disappointment though.

  2. UGH. There is nothing more disappointing than when a favorite author goes so far out of the box we are used to her staying in. And no redemption? There is enough negativity in the world. A book without good isn’t worth reading, no matter how talented the author. I don’t need that kind of mind expansion.
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