Mini Reviews Wrap Up February 2021

Posted February 28, 2021 by Julie S. in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 5 Comments


Here at Chapter Break, we don’t always write a full review of every book we read. Well, now we decided to do these monthly wrap-up posts with roundups of our reviews this month and mini-reviews to fill in the gaps. Enjoy!


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Mae Jemison: A Kid’s Book About Reaching Your Dreams (Mini Movers and Shakers) Great book to read especially during Black History Month – a little biography about Mae Jennings, the first black woman astronaut.

Fortune Academy: Year One: A Bully, Paranormal, Academy, Why Choose Romance This was meh. Just meh. She’s this girl who doesn’t know what superpower magic she has, so the whole (4 hours) book she wants to find out. But the book is TOO SHORT to get into much of a plot. So there’s some spells, some classes, some potions drinking, and some orgies? Yea, an interesting college. And it’s like a reverse harem because she’s got a long line of boys chasing after her wanting to screw her. So, the ending was kinda neat to figure out who/what monster magic creature she is. But that’s about it. The audio was good, but not great, The boys’ voices sounded very similar so I couldn’t remember who was who or what was special about them (again too short of a story). I received this audiobook for review.


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P.S. I Like You: Light and cute YA Romance. The plot is about what you would expect once you meet the characters. I did enjoy the letter writing between the two main characters. (And concur that Chemistry is THE WORST.) I think the story would have been enhanced by having some chapters from the boy’s POV. 3 1/2 Stars.

The Salvage Crew: This grabbed my attention as an Audible Daily Deal. And I clicked buy after noticing it was narrated by Nathan Fillion. Well worth that $3! And wow. That plot went in a completely unexpected direction. It’s an interesting think piece on dealing with every disaster possible on a distant planet. Anything I might mention about the plot would be spoilery. So I’ll just leave it as good. But not A.I.D.A.N. level fabulous so 4 stars.

The Girl with the Louding Voice: I definitely have feelings about this one. And not all of them good. It’s certainly a challenging book. Both in subject matter and in the author’s language choices. I do think that listening was probably easier than reading, as I didn’t have to figure out how to pronounce all Yoruba names and places. As for the plot, I found some of writing choices as very convenient (Big Madame going on vacation just when Adunni needs to meet a mentor, for instance). I also was disappointed in all of the unresolved plot lines that were just left hanging in the air. Overall, I’d call this one just ok. And it certainly shines a light on Western/White privilege.





Books we reviewed this month:

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Posted February 28, 2021 by Julie S. in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Mini Reviews Wrap Up February 2021

  1. danielle hammelef

    I won a copy of The Girl With the Louding Voice and haven’t read it yet. I like to pick up West’s books after a heavier read, when I need something light and fluffy.

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Danielle. I’ll have to check out more books by West! I’m always looking for something light and fluffy.