The Teensy Weensy Virus Book and Song for Preschoolers
by Sherri Rose
The book is a cute way to explain to kids what is going on with this virus right now. I like the explanation of the bubbles that follow us around, and we have to be careful not to let our bubbles touch other people’s bubbles.
The illustration sketches are an easy visual to explain the context and what we’re all doing to stay safe.
I think the song is super cute, sung to the tune of one of our preschool favorite songs! The book even comes with some sheet music which is a nice touch!
There is also a list of resources at the end of the book to help families cope during this time.
*A complimentary copy of this book was provided as part of the tour.
Author Q & A: Sherri L. Rose
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Or what first inspired you to write? I started writing papers while in college and found that I enjoyed not only the writing, but the research was so fascinating. Remember, this is before computers! I began
working on my memoirs (Memoir #1; I need to write three to get all my stories included) in 2017 pulling from my many journals that I’ve written over the years I’ve had an unusual number of life experiences. However, in early July 2020, when I lay in my bed to go to sleep, I desperately yearned to give my precious youngest grandson a hug. I had tried doing so through lots of saran wrap one day, as well as a blanket all over me – however it was very confusing to him and unsettling for me. It was so hard. Hence – I decided that if all else fails, I needed visuals and audio to explain to this little one what in the world has been happening! So, I wrote this book, dedicated to him, to help us all understand in simple terms what has been occurring and why our world has been turned upside down.
Where/When do you best like to write? We have a little room upstairs that used to be the “game room.” Since no grandchildren could visit, I’ve turned it into a little office for me. It worked well with my husband, as he has a small business working with clients with tax issues. This little room has also become my “recording studio” for zooming, reading my book and singing the song. It’s been a great way to reach out to libraries, an alumni reunion and more. My little room is quiet, serene, has some of my favorite family pictures, a great window and it promotes positive thinking and writing.
What do you think makes a good story? For fiction, the beginning must grab me and interest me right away. Characters need to slowly develop (don’t give them to me all at once). I adore a mysterious plot, and preferably a happy ending. I also love memoirs. For nonfiction, I simply love to learn and acquire new knowledge. A day that goes by without learning something new is a day wasted for me.
What inspired your story? The Teensy WeensyVirus was inspired as mentioned above – the need to hug my youngest grandson, and explain to him why I couldn’t.
How does a new story idea come to you? Is it an event that sparks the plot or a character speaking to you? It varies. My children’s book was much inspired from my “nurse side” and I wanted to explain this horrific pandemic to young children in a developmentally appropriate way. Then, there are times that you have a story that you must share.
Is there a message/theme in your book that you want readers to grasp?
Absolutely. It is a simple explanation to young children that there is a virus that can make us sick, and we need to stay safe by practicing certain guidelines. I have included an introduction to parents and caregivers as well as a list of website resources for more information. The song is a happy one and helps lift one’s spirits after discussing a serious topic.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? How important an editor is! I was unaware, despite my extensive “paper-writing” in undergraduate and graduate school, of my errors in the tense of my verbs and mixed up my pronouns! I certainly learned a lot.
What was your greatest challenge in writing this book? The business of writing. I love to write, however I had no idea, whatsoever, how I would essentially have to work “full-time” again to get everything done. Keeping a record of expenses, coordinating numerous contracts – and the passwords with all of these agencies was amazing. I am supposed to be retired! But I’ve had a great time.
What was your favorite book as a child? Charlotte’s Web. Hands down.
How do your spouse/significant other/friends/family feel about your writing career? Since it started during my retirement, it has been so much fun and I have had the full support of my spouse, family and many friends.
About the Author
Sherri Rose grew up in Richmond, Virginia. As a retired pediatric and family nurse practitioner, as well and a hospice and palliative care nurse, she recognizes the critical importance of helping children understand what is happening during this pandemic that is currently sweeping our globe. COVID-19 has created so much stress, anxiety, grief, and loss for adults—imagine what children must think but be unable to express!
Inspired by her concerns for the smallest among us—as well as by her own significant grief over not being able to hug her children and grandchildren during quarantine—Sherri began to write this book to help preschoolers understand what is going on and why all of us must follow new rules. As a mother of three daughters and three stepdaughters, as well as a grandmother to many, she hopes that the resources found in this book will be useful to all the readers all over the world. Sherri is having six translations created to spread the importance of basic safety guidelines with this very smart virus. She wrote the lyrics to the little song at the end of the book to have something light and happy after reading about a serious topic.
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