Addy is a siren forced between siren or human form until a handsome Coast Guard arrives in town and the choice becomes easy…
By Virginia Barlow
Addy Townsend runs an ice cream parlor in Mystic Cove, Maine. Cursed to spend her days human and her nights as a siren, she has until her twenty-fifth birthday to make her decision. Fighting against as corporate fishing company to preserve the lifestyle and well being of the locals, she asks for help and Commander Benjamin Yeates of the Coast Guard arrives to investigate her allegations. As a marine biologist, he is very interested in the rumors of a mermaid in the cove and wants to collect DNA for study. He falls hard and fast for Addy before he discovers there’s more to her than meets the eye.
Book Information
Release Date: July 6, 2022
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Kindle eBook: 86 pages; $3.99
Author Interview:
At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?
I wanted to be an author years ago but never took the time to make it happen. Later, when I had just two kids left at home, I sat down and the rest is history.
Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
When a new idea hits me and I am still in the middle of a project, I start a new word doc and write as fast as I can, or I jot notes in a notebook for later depending on how handy my computer is when it happens.
Who is your favorite character to write, and why is that person your favorite?
If picking a favorite character would be like picking a favorite child, which character seems to be the most demanding or your attention and detail as a writer?
Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?
I outline, plot and plan. Pretty boring but I have also found once my story is ‘finished’ new ideas his me and then feathers fly.
Tell us what you enjoy most about writing romance.
I enjoy writing romance because there is magic in the process and reminds me what a great life I have.
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
Most of the time, I identify with my character. The hardest part to write so far was Wylder Bachelor because I am NOT a morning person! LOL
Describe the S’mores Siren Song in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
Cursed siren meets marine biologist and romance takes over
What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?
The toughest criticism is usually from people who ‘skimmed’ through the story and make remarks. If they actually read the book, their questions would have been answered. And the best remark? When someone tells me they couldn’t put the book down. I get all the warm fuzzies from those kinds of comments.
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
The most difficult chapter I ever wrote was the scene library scene in The Wicked Sister because I knew how bad Anastasia would hurt afterwards.
What is your take on book boyfriends? Do they actually exist? Or do they set the bar for “real life men” impossibly high?
I think book boyfriends exist, but they do set the bar pretty high. Women write what women want and sometimes those kinds of men are scarce. I happen to bee one of the lucky ones and married to my best friend and lover for forty years.
Adysson sucked in a much-needed breath of relief. She’d deal with the rumors of a mermaid later. Right now, the importance of clothes outweighed anything else. She glanced at the beach and found it deserted. Making a beeline for the chest holding her terry robe before any more prying eyes spied her, she stepped from the water, retrieved the garment, slipped her arms through the sleeves, and cinched the belt. Relieved, she turned and walked right into a human wall adorned with black wavy hair and sultry blue eyes. “Oh! I…uh…didn’t see you there.” Her voice quivered with tension. Damn! Damn! Damn! “I would say it’s pretty obvious.” His dark gaze roamed over her too hot face to her bare toes and back up. “Nice, uh, robe you’ve got there.” He glanced up and down the beach. His gaze fell to the waterproof bin at their feet. “I didn’t realize Mystic Cove had a nudist beach.” Her gaze shot up to his. “We don’t. This beach belongs to me. See the No Trespassing sign?” She pointed at a sign next to them and waited for his reaction. He stood a head taller and wore a navy shirt open at the neck and navy trousers. A grin crossed his face. “What’s the penalty for skinny dipping here?” His amused expression did a once over her body before gazing into her eyes. Heat flamed her face. “A thousand bucks and up to six months jail time. Do you plan to turn me in?” His gaze darkened and dropped to the V in her robe. “No.” Adysson swallowed and shifted her feet. She’d never been this close to such an attractive man before. “The fine varies up and down the coast.” He gazed at the water behind her head for a moment and then returned to her face. His voice dropped to a sexy drawl. “Since this is a private beach, I’ll let you off with a verbal warning.” Confused, she frowned. “What?” He took a leather billfold from his front shirt pocket and flipped a badge at her. “I’m Coast Guard Commander Benjamin Yeates. My friends call me Ben.” Adysson groaned. Her knight in shining armor arrived to slay Marshal International, and she stumbled into him naked. “Adysson Townsend. My friends call me Addy, but I don’t think we qualify as friends.” He chuckled. “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve seen more of you than most, I’m betting. So I’d say we were friends.” She chose to ignore his comment. “Can you arrest me? I thought your authority ended at the shore.” “I can go anywhere as long as it’s tied to my investigation.” A gleam entered his dark eyes. He leaned closer. “Do you want me to arrest you? I’ve got a set of cuffs in my truck, but I can think of a better use for them than taking you in.” His breath brushed across her cheek, and desire glittered in his eyes.
Virginia Barlow has a great zest for life and loves her family. She likes to crochet, knit and quilt, and likes to make blankets for her grandchildren. She bakes a little and cooks when she has to. Roses are her passion and at one time she had over a hundred rose plants in her yard of various colors.
Virginia has always been an avid reader and loves being an author. Seeing her stories in print are one of the finest things in her life, next to her family and friends.
Her latest book is the paranormal romance fantasy, S’mores Siren Song.
You can visit Virginia’s website at or connect with her on Twitter, Goodreads and Facebook.
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