Chat Between Chapters: Do you re-read the series before the new book?

Posted January 31, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Do you reread series before reading the newest book if it’s been a while?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

We have had a topic in the past for series I really need to finish soon. And what do you know? I haven’t finished any on that list. Surprised? Some I feel I have outgrown. But others I just need to make the effort.

But, here’s the thing. AINTNOBODYGOTTIMEFORTHAT. That’s just real life. I work full-time. I have a family. I also do blogs. So I don’t have a ton of free time to just re-read a ton of books.

To me, a book and author have the very important job to remind me what has happened and quickly bring me back into the world and characters. If that can’t happen, that’s not good writing or editing. IMO.

Series I want to continue reading, but will be picking up where I left off, and not re-reading the prior books:

  • Final Charley Davidson has been on my Audible for some time. And I love the narrator.
  • Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker and Dragon’s Gift: The Protector (which are spin-offs from the first character’s story line of Dragon’s Gift: The Huntress).
  • Mercy Thompson books, I’ve loved the two I read so far, and love the audio narrator.



I find this topic HI. LAR. I. OUS. Julie’s right. More power to you if you have the time to go back and re-read an entire series before starting the next one. I sure don’t. The thought of reading 25 books in the STEPHANIE PLUM series to read #26 or the 3,278 pages in the CRAVE series to read the next one unattainable. (OH YES. I COUNTED.) If I was re-reading the whole series first, I’m pretty sure that would be the only books I’d be reading. (I’m also not into re-reading for the same reasons.)

If I need a recap or refresher on a series, I head to the web! I recently finished GLEANINGS, the most recent Arc of Scythes book and hit up the Wiki page to remember all they different scythes. And that was perfect for me.

Oh – and speaking of series we need to finish, I actually did read the second book in the EDGE OF EVERYTHING series. And it was just as great as the first. Without re-reading.

I actually built a Goodreads shelf to track where I am in all the different series. It’s helped as a reminder to get back into those series instead of starting something new. Here’s what I’m hoping to read at some point soon:

  • ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS. I’ve been looking at this book for more than two years. I even own a fancy hardback. Maybe this will be the year!
  • There are a couple of different Clive Cussler series that I want to finish. Now that he’s passed away, maybe I’ll finally catch up!
  • I’m waiting for next books in a bunch of series to be published as well, including the last CRAVE book. And the next FINLAY DONOVAN.



Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -

We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted January 31, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Do you re-read the series before the new book?

  1. You are both so right! I rarely reread as it is and then to add in rereading a series before reading the latest book would be too time consuming. I do count on the author to catch me up with each new book. It takes a lot of skill to pull it off but I think it’s an important skill for an author to have.

    Here is my response:
    Literary Feline recently posted…Weekly Mews: Hello, February! (A Look At What I Have Been Reading & This Month’s TBR List Poll! Please Vote!)

    • Lynn

      No time for sure, Karen! And yes – especially if I’m starting a really long series. Get to the point. Preferably in less than 500 pages!

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Jen! And yes. All I’d be doing is re-reading. Too many new books out there for that!