I Forgive You For Your Diaper Review and Giveaway

Posted September 17, 2024 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 9 Comments

I Forgive You For Your Diaper Review and GiveawayI Forgive You For Your Diaper by A. Parent
Genres: Children's
Format: eARC
Source: Provided by author for honest review

A hilarious book for new parents who face the frequent task of changing diapers. We've all been there and most of us have survived!






Author Interview

What’s your best advice about being a parent?

It’s the greatest, hardest, longest job you’ll ever have.  Unlike most jobs, the hours are unusual and sometimes the people you think you are the boss of are in fact, the boss of you, but the pay is incredible.  You get back joy, love, pride and more – and all with no tax taken off!


How many kids do you have?

I have two amazing daughters.  Sisters to each other, best friends (sometimes rivals), but also playmates for each other and for me (there are surprisingly few people my age who will play hide and go seek with me.)


How did you come up with the idea for the book?

It was middle of the night, middle of yet another diaper change, and I just decided that even in a moment like this, tired and dirty, there has to be humor in this.  There always is.  So, after I got my little girl back to sleep, I stayed up for a little bit, thinking. Luckily, (unluckily?) there were a lot more moments like that to think some more.  Finally, I put all those thoughts together in this cute, funny book. Do I thank my daughter’s digestion for helping?


Did you do the drawings?

No! I can barely draw a bath. I found a wonderful artist named Ekaterina Mironava who is a mother herself and can relate.  I loved the soft “watercolor” feel of her work, plus she has a great sense of humor and was really able to capture the fun of each drawing while also showing the love a parent has for their child, even at moments where we don’t feel very loving.


Which drawing is your favorite?

Of course, I love them all but if I were to pick one, it would be the back cover.  It’s made to look like the poster for a scary movie called “Changing Time” with the slogan “Coming Soon to a Baby Near You!”.  Hopefully parents get a laugh about the “surprise” of diaper changes – you know they are coming, but you never know when.


Anything you want to tell us about that ending?

Ha!  No, I’ll leave that for the readers.  I will say it’s one of the things people seem to love the most about the book and that I hear about the most.  Hopefully, it leaves the reader with a laugh and a smile, thinking about the circle of life and relationships between parents and their children.


‘A Parent’ isn’t your real name – why write this under a pseudonym?

You’re right, it isn’t.  The first time I looked at the book and thought “Ok, I’m proud of this, I’m done” my actual name was going to be on the cover.  But as I started putting the book together and getting positive reactions from all sorts of parents – really every type and situation – I realized that changing diapers is a universal experience every parent and any parent goes through. That’s when I thought of using “A Parent” as a pseudonym.  I hope it reflects that idea that the struggle of diapers is something that happens to all of us.


The book just came out.  How is it doing?

Really well! Not just in sales but what I’ve found really satisfying is the reviews.  People have found the book funny and charming and that it gives them a smile, sometimes when they most need it.  I love seeing it sell, but feedback like that is what’s really rewarding.


Any plans to do another book?

Actually, the reaction I’ve seen to this has made me think about it.  Maybe something in the same vein, having fun with other aspects of parenting, maybe not.  The only thing I know for sure is I won’t be writing a book about astrophysics, engineering or anything involving math.  I respect math, I wish math well, but I need to say, I don’t like math.


Where can people get the book?

I love bookstores. Absolutely love them.  That said, sadly, these days they seem few and far between. If you have a bookstore you love, hopefully they sell the book there, but I know they may not.   So, recognizing that, the book is always available on Amazon or any of the other online places where we can all buy books.



Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

I Forgive You For Your Diaper is a super cute book for tired parents. I love that the author chose the pen name “A Parent” because the experiences are ubiquitous. Babies with their cute adorable faces like to surprise us with a scary diaper.

The illustrations are beautiful and fun. The book is told in a fun rhyme telling all about the diaper situation.

Here is a fun example:

What went in as milk or pear or sometimes even guava,

burst out the exit door as stinking, glowing lava.

This is one example of a funny illustration from the book you get to enjoy:

I FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR DIAPER police line page excerpt


This book would be great for new moms everywhere who are in the thick of newborn life and could enjoy getting a chuckle. This might also be a fun read aloud for toddlers who are potty training and think all things poo are the best topics.

I Forgive You For Your Diaper
Price: $11.99
Price Disclaimer


The publisher is offering 5 print copies of the funny parenting/baby book: I Forgive You For Your Diaper to my US readers!

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Posted September 17, 2024 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 9 Comments


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