Nightline Segment

NIGHTLINE SEGMENT!!!! As if one trip wasn’t enough fun, I got invited back by ABC’s nightline to take part in a segment discussing the genre shift from YA to NA.  It was a blast! I got to meet the ever personable Colleen Hoover again! Along with Losing It author, Cora Carmack!  If you missed the […]

Posted April 9, 2013 by Rose C. in Author Appearances / 8 Comments
City of Bones review

City of Bones review

  Our book club has decided to read the entire Mortal Instruments series, one each month, leading up to the movie coming out in August. We started reading this series in March, and are reading the second book this month. So expect to see the review of book 2 up soon and feel free to […]

Posted April 9, 2013 by Julie S. in Reviews / 1 Comment

Giveaway: Signed Copies of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Jamie McGuire came to Katy Budget Books to do a signing and we picked up a copy of each book, Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster, to giveaway to *one* lucky reader!  See, they’re signed! This signed copy and its mate will soon be in the hands of one lucky reader!  See that photo below? That’s her signing […]

Posted April 6, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Giveaways / 41 Comments
Walking Disaster Review

Walking Disaster Review

     Rose’s Review     I gave this book 4 stars because I love Travis Maddox, even though I DON’T want to love him.  This book was a guilty read for me.  I just had to know Travis’s side of things and revisiting the story of Beautiful Disaster was a special treat I couldn’t resist.  This […]

Posted April 4, 2013 by Rose C. in Reviews / 0 Comments

Dallas Book Signing

On Sunday, January 20, 2013 I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a book signing at A Real BookStore in Fairview, Texas, just north of Dallas.  Was this signing close? Not exactly. I made the 4.5 hour (300 miles) trip by car and stayed overnight with a friend in Sherman, Texas which is just over 20 minutes away from the book store.  I […]

Posted April 4, 2013 by Rose C. in Author Appearances / 0 Comments