We’ve started a feature here at Chapter Break called Chat Between Chapters. We plan to have a new chat topic every week on Sunday. A list of the topics we’ve discussed is below. Feel free to join in on the current and previous threads. We’re looking forward to seeing your thoughts.
Chat Between Chapters
- Chat Between Chapters: Book Clubs
- Chat Between Chapters: First book of the year
- Chat Between Chapters: What are your blogging/reading goals for the new year?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you enjoy reading holiday-themed books at the holidays or year-round?
- Chat Between Chapters: What are your favorite books/audiobooks that you read in 2024?
- Chat Between Chapters: Which types of reviews help you decide what books to read?
- Chat Between Chapters: How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?
- Chat Between Chapters: Who is your ideal book boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Chat Between Chapters: How long have you been book blogging? And has your blog changed over time?
- Chat Between Chapters: How quickly do you write your review?
- Chat Between Chapters: Where is your favorite place to read?
- Chat Between Chapters: Stars, Letter Grades, Nothing...how do you rate books?
- Chat Between Chapters: Have your reading interests changed over time?
- Chat Between Chapters: Worst Character Jobs
- Chat Between Chapters: New To You Authors
- Chat Between Chapters: Genres Avoided?
- Chat Between Chapters: Last re-read?
- Chat Between Chapters: Reviewing a book you loved
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Reads of 2023
- Chat Between Chapters: What is your favorite supernatural creature?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you enjoy multi-author anthologies?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you download freebies? Read free preview chapters?
- Chat Between Chapters: How long does it usually take you to finish a book?
- Chat Between Chapters: Libraries: do you prefer to visit in-person or check out on-line?
- Chat Between Chapters: Finding out something negative about authors
- Chat Between Chapters: Which book world would you like to visit (real and/or fictional)?
- Chat Between Chapters: Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile?
- Chat Between Chapters: What are your least favorite tropes?
- Chat Between Chapters: How do you get out of a reading slump?
- Chat Between Chapters: What's most important in a book for you: the plot, the characters, or the writing style?
- Chat Between Chapters: Which tropes do you enjoy the most?
- Chat Between Chapters: Which book/series would make a great movie/tv series?
- Chat Between Chapters: Read a series as the books come out? Or wait until the series is finished?
- Chat Between Chapters: How Long Do You Stick with a Series No Longer Enjoying
- Chat Between Chapters: Fave Indie Authors/Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Ideal Book Length
- Chat Between Chapters: Famous Local Author
- Chat Between Chapters: Fave Author Diff Genre
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you re-read the series before the new book?
- Chat Between Chapters: Spin Off Series
- Chat Between Chapters: Books & Entertainment During Self-Isolation
- Chat Between Chapters: Thankful for Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Narrators for Audiobook Month #JIAM #LoveAudiobooks
- Chat Between Chapters: Celebrating Douglas Adams It's #towelday
- Chat Between Chapters: Series I really need to finish soon
- Chat Between Chapters: Stuck in a Winter Storm
- Chat Between Chapters: Books to read for Halloween
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite books set on a school campus
- Chat Between Chapters: Books We Wish We Could Read for the First Time
- Chat Between Chapters: Authors you've read the most
- Chapter Break #LoveAudioBooks Post
- Chat Between Chapters: Books your Father Recommended
- Chat Between Chapters: Characters I'd name my children after
- Chat Between Chapters: Series that should have stopped. with one book.
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have ended differently
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that totally should have had a spin-off series
- Chat Between Chapters: Types of Books we are Ridiculously Addicted to
- Chat Between Chapters: Sarcastic Characters
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Gifts to Characters in Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Why has reviewing gotten so hard?
- Chat Between Chapters: Most Dislikable Characters
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Book Blogs I Read
- Chat Between Chapters: Bookish Weaknesses
- Chat Between Chapters: Why I decide to read a particular book
- Chat Between Chapters: Jobs of Characters in books
- Chat Between Chapters: Most Intimidating Books on the TBR List
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have had a sequel
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have had a cover change
- Chat Between Chapters: Books with Foodie Characters
- Chat Between Chapters: Worst Fathers in Literature
- Chat Between Chapters: Worst Mothers in Literature
- Chat Between Chapters: Independent Bookstore Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Hidden Gems
- Chat Between Chapters: Series you can't wait to finish
- Chat Between Chapters: Series you can't or won't finish
- Chat Between Chapters: Fictional cars we'd love to drive
- Chat Between Chapters: Characters we want to Throttle
- Chat Between Chapters: Characters who should have Ended up with Someone Else
- Chat Between Chapters: Books we are excited about in 2017
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite/Least Favorite Books of 2016
- Chat Between Chapters: Special Snowflakes
- Chat Between Chapters: Books we Want to Forget
- Chat Between Chapters: Bookish Gifts that are not Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Books we can't forget
- Chat Between Chapters: reading outside your comfort zone
- Chat Between Chapters: Books everyone has read but me
- Chat Between Chapters: Give up your Shoulds
- Chat Between Chapters: Scruffy/Bearded characters
- Chat Between Chapters: Magazines
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that make good gifts
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Romance Authors
- Chat Between Chapters: Literacy Month
- Chat Between Chapters: Banned Book Week
- Chat Between Chapters: Speak like a Pirate Day
- Chat Between Chapters: How to support your favorite authors
- Chat Between Chapters: Unrealistic Jobs in Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Authors Good at Social Media
- Chat Between Chapters: Cookbooks
- Chat Between Chapters: Cowboys & Western reads
- Chat Between Chapters: Social Media Posting
- Chat Between Chapters: Body Piercing Week
- Chat Between Chapters: X-Mas in July
- Chat Between Chapters: Embrace Your Geekness
- Chat Between Chapters: World Kiss Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Stay Out in the Sun Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Spend the Night in a Bookstore
- Chat Between Chapters: Father's Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Pseudonyms
- Chat Between Chapters: Goodreads, Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
- Chat Between Chapters: Book covers that are turn-offs
- Chat Between Chapters: We can be friends if you have read these books
- Chat Between Chapters: Indie Bookstores
- Chat Between Chapters: Mother's Day
- Chat Between Chapters: National Poetry Month
- Chat Between Chapters: Talk Like Shakespeare Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Covers we are Drawn to
- Chat Between Chapters: Good/Bad Reading Habits
- Chat Between Chapters: Good/Bad Blogging Habits
- Chat Between Chapters: Easter Egg Hunt
- Chat Between Chapters: Alien Abduction Day
- Chat Between Chapters: Literary Jokes/Puns
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Blue Covers
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Poetry
- Chat Between Chapters: Prologues
- Chat Between Chapters: Valentine's Day - Favorite Couples
- Chat Between Chapters: Characters brought back by another author
- Chat Between Chapters: Sports
- Chat Between Chapters: Come In From The Cold and Read a Book
- Chat Between Chapters: Death in books
- Chat Between Chapters: Literary Pet Names
- Chat Between Chapters: Best books we read in 2015
- Chat Between Chapters: historical characters in modern times
- Chat Between Chapters: Fanfiction
- Chat Between Chapters: multiple copies of books with new covers
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Thriller/Suspense
- Chat Between Chapters: Gender Swap
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that Changed your Life
- Chat Between Chapters: Literary Touring
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Humor
- Chat Between Chapters: Cats in Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Books and Artists
- Chat Between Chapters: Looking Up Words
- Chat Between Chapters: LGBT
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Fairy Tale Retellings
- Chat Between Chapters: Lesser Known Books Everyone Should Read
- Chat Between Chapters: Characters you want to party with
- Chat Between Chapters: Books you just couldn't finish
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Non-Fiction
- Chat Between Chapters: Music in Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Action in Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Historical Inaccuracies or Literary License?
- Chat Between Chapters: Author Crush
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Mystery
- Chat Between Chapters: Badass Female Protag
- Chat Between Chapters: Super Steamy Summer Booklist
- Chat Between Chapters: What makes a good summer read?
- Chat Between Chapters: Independence Day Recommendations
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that made you bawl like a baby
- Chat Between Chapters: Books that ruined you for other books
- Chat Between Chapters: Reviewing books in a series
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Sci-fi
- Chat Between Chapters: Influential Children's Books
- Chat Between Chapters: Authors who should collaborate on a book
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre Shaming
- Chat Between Chapters: Tropes - Love 'em or Loathe 'em
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre: Classics
- Chat Between Chapters: When to Break Up with Series or Author?
- Chat Between Chapters: Sequels - Better than the original?
- Chat Between Chapters: Reading Challenges
- Chat Between Chapters: Dystopian Genre
- Chat Between Chapters: Did the movie prompt you to read the book?
- Chat Between Chapters: Should Books Have Closure?
- Chat Between Chapters: What book(s) would you love to read for the first time?
- Chat Between Chapters: Avoiding certain topics?
- Chat Between Chapters: What do you look for in a synopsis?
- Chat Between Chapters: Share Your Reading Lists
- Chat Between Chapters: Top 5 Love Story Reads
- Chat Between Chapters: Do spoilers have time limits?
- Chat Between Chapters: Genre-Paranormal Romance
- Chat Between Chapters: Serial Addiction or OCD?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you have a book you love to recommend?
- Chat Between Chapters: Favorite Reading Spot
- Chat Between Chapters: Contemporary Romance
- Chat Between Chapters: Bookish New Year's Resolutions
- Chat Between Chapters: Does Size Matter?
- Chat Between Chapters: Reading Multiple Books At Once
- Chat Between Chapters: Historical Romance
- Chat Between Chapters: Non-Reader Friends
- Chat Between Chapters: How Many Books Do You Read In a Year?
- Chat Between Chapters: GRAMMAR!
- Chat Between Chapters: Book Buying Budgets
- Chat Between Chapters: Paranormal Creatures
- Chat Between Chapters: What is your literacy story?
- Chat Between Chapters: Ownership of the Novel
Chat Between Chapters: Do you own tons of books that you
have never read? - Chat Between Chapters: Banned Books
- Chat Between Chapters: If You Listen to Audio Books, Do You Read the Book, too?
- Chat Between Chapters: Who Prefers First? What about Third? and What the Heck is Second...
- Chat Between Chapters: Loaning Out Books
- Chat Between Chapters: #BlogYourWay: How We Blog
- Chat Between Chapters: Dating a Real Life Christian Grey?
- Chat Between Chapters: Reading after Watching - do you like the movie/TV show better?
- Chat Between Chapters: Trigger Warnings: Good Idea or Give away too much?
- Chat Between Chapters: What book would you write yourself into?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you give authors a second chance?
- Chat Between Chapters: Seasonal Reading
- Chat Between Chapters: Are you a serious reader?
- Chat Between Chapters: Important to Like the Characters?
- Chat Between Chapters: Where do you like to read?
- Chat Between Chapters: How Do You Distinguish Your Blog?
- Chat Between Chapters: What Plot Lines Are You Tired of Reading?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do You Re-read?
- Chat Between Chapters: What Makes You Follow a Blog?
- Chat Between Chapters: How Do You Choose Which Books to Read Next?
- Chat Between Chapters: Epilogues!
- Chat Between Chapters: Do You REALLY Read Blogger Book Reviews???
- Chat Between Chapters: 5-star reviews
- Chat Between Chapters: Close the bedroom door?
- Chat Between Chapters: Book Recommendations: Have you ever been scared/shy to recommend a favorite?
- Chat Between Chapters: ebook vs. print
- Chat Between Chapters: What constitutes New Adult? Is it really a new genre?
- Chat Between Chapters: Stand Alones, Trilogies, Series, Companion Books: What is your preference?
- Chat Between Chapters: How do you handle a book hangover?
- Chat Between Chapters: Book Boyfriends: Good for readers or setup unrealistic expectations?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do you contact authors after reviewing their book?
- Chat Between Chapters: Do You Listen to Author's Playlists?
- Chat Between Chapters: 3-Star Reviews, what do they really mean?
- Chat Between Chapters: What are your reading turn offs?
- Chat Between Chapters: Name Dropping In Books
- Chat Between Chapters: How do you organize your bookshelves?
- Chat Between Chapters: Should Writers Give Readers What They Want?
- Chat Between Chapters: Authors Writing Book Reviews: Okay by Me or Bad PR?
- Chat Between Chapters: Since When Is Sex Love?
- Chat Between Chapters: Are Book Bloggers Picky Readers?